Born in the mountains of New England, I grew up on the wee island of St. Croix in the U.S.V.I. until moving to Rome, Italy to complete my high school diploma. Loving the sport of volleyball, I moved to Los Angeles, USA to pursue it professionally on the beaches and courts of southern Cali. As life's logistics ensued, a professional career in volleyball seemed more and more unstable. A time came to make a choice and at the same time I felt a calling back to the kitchen; a place I had spent personal and professional time in since the young age of 12.
From that age, people continually told me there was no other place to go than the C.I.A. So, I eventually found a part of myself in Hyde Park, NY following an Associates Degree in Culinary Arts. Trips and travels under the culinary banner took me to amazing experiences under renowned chefs in America, Thailand, Austria, France, and back to Italy.
From that age, people continually told me there was no other place to go than the C.I.A. So, I eventually found a part of myself in Hyde Park, NY following an Associates Degree in Culinary Arts. Trips and travels under the culinary banner took me to amazing experiences under renowned chefs in America, Thailand, Austria, France, and back to Italy.

Spirituality and esotericism have encompassed my life from a young age, as I am blessed with spiritually devout and astute parents. On return from a visit to Thailand in 2003, I found Trulku Thupten Kalsang Rahob Rinpoche hiding out in the Berkshires and he became my first officially Buddhist teacher. The monastic life in Thailand struck a resounding chord within, at first sight. Pilgriming and visiting various temples throughout Thailand, I heard about a great meditation master named Luang Por Sodh Wat Pak Nam. Visiting the Wat Pak Nam temple, and learning that Luang Por had passed away in 1959, I sought after the person most proficient in the method and learned about Luang Por Dhammajayo. As is cultural tradition in Thailand, I decided to take a short term three-month ordination, also known as vassa 'rainy-season', as a Buddhist monk.

I joined the International Dhammadayada Ordination Program at the infamous Wat Phra Dhammakaya temple in 2007 where I was given the Pali monastic name of Jayindo [pronounced "Jayintoh" in Thai], meaning 'Lord of Victory', under Preceptor and Royal Sage Phra MahāBodhiwongsāchārya, Suradecho Bhikkhu, a celebrated master of Dharma and the Pali language. One rainy season turned into three full years and almost four rainy seasons. While in the robes, I studied Dharma, meditation, Thai language, running retreats, and the everyday life of a fully ordained bhikkhu. I was graced with receiving many honors, including: personal guest of His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan for His Majesty's three day long Coronation Ceremony, and guest meditation instructor at Borobudur Temple in Indonesia for the 2009 Vesak Day ceremony held there. As various monastic dignitaries visited the temple, the likes of such noble persons as Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, Lama Michel Rinpoche, and the Lopens of Bhutan, I was given the task of seeing to their needs and helping with logistics. Other heftier honors include selection to participate in advanced monastic meditation retreats with current Dhammakaya lineage holder Luang Por Dhammajayo and direct Dharmic-tutoring under Luang Por Dattajeevo, my gurūpācāriya.

I decided to step out of the robes and back into America with my Abbot's blessing in 2010, where I went onto reintegrate and rediscover what it means to be a child of the west with my experiences from elders in the east. I continued my studies in medicinal and health cooking, yoga, Thai medical massage, and the continual realities of modern daily life in saṃsāra. In 2011 I was most blessed to meet a particular goddess hiding out in the Berkshires of Massachusetts. After a successful bit of old school courting she thankfully admitted to genuine sparks and light, and we have been co-creating adventures since. Travels have taken us around the North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia. In early spring of 2014 we exchanged our vows atop the ancient and majestic Borobudur temple. On the cusp of summer 2016, Jenn successfully portaled a baby boy into the world. As the years pass, and as I am charged with the protection, care, and upbringing of another life, every moment forces me to remember what my priorities are and what tools are needed for the job at that moment, before shift happens requiring adjustment and change.

I endeavor to devotionally contribute to my environment through private specialized Cheffing, and the odd Thai Bodywork therapy from time to time. While sādhanā practice takes a daily role in my life, parenting and all that it entails is something I pridefully devote myself to. I was taught that “our work should revolve around our spiritual practice, not the other way around". Becoming a parent forced me to look at my roots and where I come from. It brought me closer to my cultural heritage, aside from my travels and being a part of a world heritage. My Scottish roots - mostly Clan Mackintosh and Clan Campbell - have since become something I choose to participate in and pass through to my family including the Highland Games, Heavy Athletics, Historic Stonelifiting, Strongman & Powerlifting, and Ghàidhlig.
I maintain my affection of organic farm to table slow-food cooking and the company of good people. If alone with time to spare, I fancy being in nature, cleaning, a sitting session, a good ritual, a cuppa, a dram, the royal game of chess, learning in all its forms, applying the craft of Freemasonry, or even a puff of Shire pipeweed with a literary masterpiece in hand. BuddhaDharma and the Old Ways take up a lot of my mental space. I endeavor to be prepared to beneficially share what I can when the occasions arise.
I maintain my affection of organic farm to table slow-food cooking and the company of good people. If alone with time to spare, I fancy being in nature, cleaning, a sitting session, a good ritual, a cuppa, a dram, the royal game of chess, learning in all its forms, applying the craft of Freemasonry, or even a puff of Shire pipeweed with a literary masterpiece in hand. BuddhaDharma and the Old Ways take up a lot of my mental space. I endeavor to be prepared to beneficially share what I can when the occasions arise.
"Stopping is the Embodiment of Success"
-Luang Pu Sodt Jantasaro (PhraMongkolthepmuni)
"นิ่งๆ นิ่งอย่างเดียว จริงๆ แล้วมีอยู่แค่นี้"
"Stillness....Just Stillness....Really, that's all there is to it!"
-Luang Por Chaiboon Dhammajayo (PhraThepyanmahamuni)
"In difficult times I am happy in my heart, full of courage. I expect the goddess, the mould, and the death as I stand by the shoreline and wait to be taken away. Fortune shall perish, men shall die, you also shall die. But the legacy of the good cannot."
"To search for truth outside of yourself, is to search for water outside of the ocean"
"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." - African Proverb
"When the senses are stilled, the mind is at rest, and the intellect waivers not. Then, say the wise, is reached the highest state. This steady control of the senses and the mind has been defined as Yoga. He who attains it, is free from delusion."
- Kathopanishad
"Stopping is the Embodiment of Success"
-Luang Pu Sodt Jantasaro (PhraMongkolthepmuni)
"นิ่งๆ นิ่งอย่างเดียว จริงๆ แล้วมีอยู่แค่นี้"
"Stillness....Just Stillness....Really, that's all there is to it!"
-Luang Por Chaiboon Dhammajayo (PhraThepyanmahamuni)
"In difficult times I am happy in my heart, full of courage. I expect the goddess, the mould, and the death as I stand by the shoreline and wait to be taken away. Fortune shall perish, men shall die, you also shall die. But the legacy of the good cannot."
"To search for truth outside of yourself, is to search for water outside of the ocean"
"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." - African Proverb
"When the senses are stilled, the mind is at rest, and the intellect waivers not. Then, say the wise, is reached the highest state. This steady control of the senses and the mind has been defined as Yoga. He who attains it, is free from delusion."
- Kathopanishad
North Adams, MA, USA
Level 4 Certification, June-July '13
Level 3 Certification, June '13
Hands-Free Certification, September '12
Level 2 Certification, July '11
Level 1 Certification, May '11
Lineage: Predominance in Modern Northern School of Thai Massage - TCM, Mama Nit, Lek Chaiya & Jack Chaiya, Mama Pen, Master Nipa
Instructor: Jennifer Yarro
Level 3 Certification, June '13
Hands-Free Certification, September '12
Level 2 Certification, July '11
Level 1 Certification, May '11
Lineage: Predominance in Modern Northern School of Thai Massage - TCM, Mama Nit, Lek Chaiya & Jack Chaiya, Mama Pen, Master Nipa
Instructor: Jennifer Yarro
Bangkok, Thailand
Professional Thai Massage for Health, May - June '13
165 hr. Certification
Lineage: Wat Po, Thai Royal Texts
Instructors: Yupa Sowat, Aey Karawanon
- Valedictorian
- Professional job offerings at school upon graduation
165 hr. Certification
Lineage: Wat Po, Thai Royal Texts
Instructors: Yupa Sowat, Aey Karawanon
- Valedictorian
- Professional job offerings at school upon graduation
Shanti Retreat Center, Wolfe Island, Canada
Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training, September '12
200 hr. Certification
Lineage: Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Instructor: Jennifer Yarro
200 hr. Certification
Lineage: Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Instructor: Jennifer Yarro
Boston, MA, USA
Traditional Thai Acupressure for Orthopedic Pain, May '12
Certification, Upper and Lower Body Protocols
Lineage: Wat Po
Instructor: Noam Tyroler
Certification, Upper and Lower Body Protocols
Lineage: Wat Po
Instructor: Noam Tyroler
Pathum Thani, Bangkok, Thailand
Meditation - Dharmic and Thai Studies, June '07 - August '10
Lineage: Dhammakaya, Mahanigaya Theravāda Buddhism with Bodhisattva Vows Meditation Master and Lineage Holder: Luang Por Dhammajayo Gurūpācārya: Luang Por Dattajeevo Degrees: - นักธรรมตรี Nak-Tham-Dri, Thai Monastic Bachelors in Dharma and Education Honors: - Special Guest and Meditation Leader for the International Vesakha Day 2008, Borobudur Indonesia - Personal Guest of His Majesty Jigme Khesar Wangchuck for His Majesty's Coronation and Celebration Ceremony, 2008 - Meditation Instructor and Mentor, International Dhammadaya Ordination Program, 2008-2010 - Caretaker and Assistant to visiting V.I.P. senior monks and lay-guests, 2008-2010, 2013 |
Bangkok, Thailand
Meditation Retreatant, Section 5 International Meditation, March - May '07
Lineage: Mahanigaya Theravadan, Vipassanā-Kammaṭṭhāna as taught by Phra Thammatherarajamahamuni
Instructor: Phra Ajarn Tirpatr
Lineage: Mahanigaya Theravadan, Vipassanā-Kammaṭṭhāna as taught by Phra Thammatherarajamahamuni
Instructor: Phra Ajarn Tirpatr
Petersburg, NY, USA
Disciple - Retreatant - Helper, November '03 - December '04, 2010-2012
Lineage: Nyingmapa, Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhism
Meditation and Dharma Master: Trulku Thupten Kalsang Rahob Rinpoche
Lineage: Nyingmapa, Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhism
Meditation and Dharma Master: Trulku Thupten Kalsang Rahob Rinpoche
Hyde Park, NY, USA
A.O.S. Culinary Arts with Honors, May '04
- 2004 ACF National Runner-Up Student Culinarian of the Year
- 2004 ACF Student Culinarian of the Year, Northeast Region
- The Young Professional's Medal of Merit of the Academic Brillat-Savarin
- Classmate Voted as "Student who most represents what a CIA student should be"
- 2004 ACF National Runner-Up Student Culinarian of the Year
- 2004 ACF Student Culinarian of the Year, Northeast Region
- The Young Professional's Medal of Merit of the Academic Brillat-Savarin
- Classmate Voted as "Student who most represents what a CIA student should be"
Rome, Italy
High School Diploma, 2001
- 1999-2000 National Honor Society
- 1999 DODS European Soccer Champions, Left Wing, Striker
- 2000-2001 Italian DODS Volleyball, 2nd Place in League
- 2000-2001 School MVP Volleyball
Club Teams:
- 2001 Piaggio Roma Under 21 Pallavolo Team
- 2000 POL Roma XX Volley
- 1999 La Storta Calcio Club
- 1999-2000 National Honor Society
- 1999 DODS European Soccer Champions, Left Wing, Striker
- 2000-2001 Italian DODS Volleyball, 2nd Place in League
- 2000-2001 School MVP Volleyball
Club Teams:
- 2001 Piaggio Roma Under 21 Pallavolo Team
- 2000 POL Roma XX Volley
- 1999 La Storta Calcio Club